“Dan managed to implement all my ideas for my logo.
I am thrilled and can recommend him!”
Stefanie approached me after speaking with Annika from Annika Bowhay Marketing.
Stefanie was already running a successful business (The Spirit In You). And she was at the beginning of her business journey for elternUNIversum. Stefanie needed a brand and a logo, and came to me with ideas, but needed help with executing them.
The first challenge was the logo and the brand design. At first Stefanie worked with an intuitive coach. The coach painted a picture that reflected Stefanie’s emotions and intent with elternUNIversum. Then I was presented with a beautiful painting that we took as the inspiration for her brand. She asked me to incorporate as much detail as possible from the picture.
Color palette inspiration
Color palette inspiration
Color palette inspiration
Color palette inspiration
Logo inspiration
Logo inspiration
Logo base
Logo base
I used the painting as the base for the logo. This wasn’t as easy as it sounds, because many details in the picture were hard to digitise. I created several drafts for Stefanie to review. The idea was to start with the basics and add one detail at a time, and to stop when she thought it was getting too much. This approach is great when a client wants many things incorporated into his designs.
When Stefanie approved the logo, I started applying secondary colours and fonts, which I recorded in a brand guide. I provided logos in several sizes and formats, so they are easy to use on different platforms.
Creating a brand isn’t just about the logo or pretty colours. Basing your design on what the business is about and who it is talking to is essential.
The logo design itself is the foundation of the logo system, which includes icons, tags, different logo variants and formats.
Stefanie is now set up with a brand she can apply to all aspects of her business.

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